Proudly Canadian



Don't miss out on upcoming vegetation management industry events.  Link to all industry pages for more information

We have made it our mission to partner with innovative manufactures of premium vegetation management products.  Stay tuned for our growing product line of weed control options.

We look forward to providing meaningful solutions to your
application and day-to-day business needs. Hope to hear from you soon.


Who? What? Why? Where? and How?​

Check out what is new in the world of herbicide applications and Vegetation Management.

Sales and distribution of herbicides for the  vegetation management industry



Customer service is our number one priority.  Place your order of any of our premium products online, by phone or email.  We will contact you to ensure we have all of your needs covered.

New Customers

To schedule a return or to request recycle bags please contact CleanFarms at



Our Products:

Cleanfarms Container Returns